- Weed
- All non-drugstore makeup products
- Bottled wine
- A car that I don't have to drop money into
- Shoedazzle.com
- Match.com
- College
- Community College
- Jessica Simpson shoes- from Marshals
- Anything but Walmart groceries
- DVDs of the Simple Life
- A decent blender
- A decent apartment where my neighbor isn't a tubbo who walks around with no shirt on
- My bills
- Chinese food
- Clothes at target
- A Christmas tree
- RedBox Movies
- More then a single blade razor
- Clothes that I can fit in
I think these people are involved in human trafficking. |
Justin Bobby, couldn't afford Chinese food so she dumped his broke ass. |
Oh wait they're not broke, they sold their baby. |
See ya soon! <3 always ---R
When you move back here, I'll buy you a nice blender for housewarming.