Why an Ex is an Ex:
- While talking about fooling around, do not say "I'm gonna split that ass like a peach."- No actually you're not going to do that I am not your fat ex-wife who may have liked a blown out ass hole **newsflash some fat people have low self-esteem hence why they're down for that shit** I may have low standards but I will not let you disrespect my asshole. And my ass is in no way a pitted fruit.
- Do not flex your muscles in the mirror and or glass window as you walk by. People can see you, and you look like an ass hole.
- Do not sell weed to my family
- Do not lie about selling weed to my family
- Do not lie and brag to your boys about tapping my butt hole... it didn't happen. Get over it.
- Do not drop baked goods off in my car
- Do not have a crooked penis
- Do not tell me all at once out of the blue that you want to get married, have kids and live happily ever after... I'm gonna leave now
- Do not dutch oven me. There is nothing less sexy then to be smothered by your foul fucking gas
- Do not lay on your back the whole time during a sexual encounter, because we all know how you bitch about when women do it. It does work both ways.
- You cannot steal my boyfriend. And after you do and it bombs, do not act like we are still friends
- After my boyfriend and I break up, do not go around saying how you've been having sex for months, it doesn't make you cool, it makes you a slut
- Do not send my boyfriend naked pictures via text or email, I will find them, post them on comegangrapethischick.com
- Do not post a picture of my boyfriend and you like you're together as your profile picture.
- Having 8000 abortions its not cute... Hitler is in hell waiting for you at table 2
- Don't brag about trying to be on a reality show that no one watches. Real Chance at Love is not a jumping off point.
- If you plan to leave someone don't fuck his friends first
- The way to a mans heart is not bending over and tossing you're hair back and forth waiting for him to come to you. The way to a mans heart is to be yourself, confident and walk up to him grab him by the balls and say lets take a walk
- Taking pictures of yourself in a mirror just shows that no one likes you enough to take them for you. And they're usually not flattering, go back to farmville
- Being a size 6 and squeezing into a size 0 is not sexy. You are just reminding a man why his parents circumcised him.
Thanks for reading! Hopefully I'll be back on my game tomorrow! Love always ---R
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