For Mom:
Deck the Halls with DUI's
For Dad:
All I want for Christmas is a deadbeat dad
Roasting Chestnuts on my boyfriends face
Christmas is coming and so is your anorexia
For Uncle:
Oh Holy turkey, I'm gonna rip into your flesh
For Aunt:
Santa Claus is coming to town, so is Animal Control
For Grandpa:
Do you see what I see? Dementia!
Grandpa needs directions back home from the mailbox
For Grandma:
The most wonderful time of the day
And when she waits for grandpa's 5 hour trip to the mailbox
For MY Husband:
Jingle Balls
For HIS ball scratching pleasure
These are just some of my ideas I'm still working out my creativity block, hopefully it comes back to me. I'm having a lot of insparation today, from people who I hate, so stay tuned. I think tomorrow I'll delve into either mail order brides or why people do not need a college degree anymore.
Don't forget to follow this blog!!!!!!
Thanks always <3 --R
It's nice dude